The Cypriot RAIF: substance, requirements and tax

The upgraded Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) Law of 2018 was enhanced considerably in July of the same year, with a number of changes aimed at further developing the sector. As we have been doing, we continue the series of articles elaborating on the changes and advantages of the new regime. We also take the opportunity to do so, a few days after the Central Bank of Cyprus has released its latest Investment Funds statistics report indicating another quarter of modest growth.
In an earlier article, we discussed the responsibilities of the depositary and the requirements for the depositary appointment, for the different alternative investment funds. Still, the major advancement in the upgraded framework was the introduction of the — so-called Registered Alternative Investment Funds (RAIFs) — making Cyprus a more attractive and flexible jurisdiction for the investors.
Why are RAIFs attractive? Simply because they significantly reduce the time needed and the costs related to establishing an AIF. This article is dedicated to discussing the new regime and the advantages carried with the establishment of the Registered Alternative Investment Funds (RAIFs).
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